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Diabetes in Dogs (and Cats) is on the Rise

Diabetes is a serious disease that afflicts a significant portion of the US population, including its companion pets.

In humans alone the numbers are staggering and on the rise. As of May 2015, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimated that as many as 29.1 million people in the U.S. — both diagnosed and undiagnosed – had diabetes. That translates to about 9.3 percent of the population. A whopping 8.1 percent of those with diabetes were undiagnosed, the CDC said.

Our pets are experiencing the same trend. And pet obesity in the US – also a growing trend — may be a contributing factor. See this related online story from The Pet Health Network:

“Since 2011, diabetes diagnoses in pets have increased by 32 percent in canines and 16 percent in felines, and just like humans, cats can be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes,” states a November 2015 PRNewsire online article on the topic found at

Generally speaking. Diabetes is an auto-immune disease or chronic condition that occurs when the pancreas produces too little or no insulin. Insulin is a hormone necessary for the absorpbtion of sugar at the cellular level, and the creation of energy in the body. For definitions on diabetes Types 1 and 2 follow these links from the American Diabetes Association:  and

Recognizing the symptoms of diabetes in your pet

Some of the symptoms of diabetes to look for in your pet are excessive thirst, frequent (and possibly diluted) urination, cloudy eyes, ravenous appetite and weakness, to name a few. If you observe any of these have your pet checked out by his or her veterinarian as soon as possible!

The pet health experts at The Pet Health Network offer several reasons to have your pet tested for diabetes:

1. If left undiagnosed and/or untreated diabetes can shorten the life of your dog.

2. Diabetes can rob your dog of his or her eyesight.

3. It’s cost-effective to catch diabetes early, or better yet, prevent it altogether!

4. Your dog will have less urinary “accidents.”

5. Ruling out a diagnosis of diabetes will give you peace of mind knowing your dog is healthy!

For the full online story go to

You should immediately consult with your pet’s veterinarian anytime you have a question or concern or observe anything that may be a symptom of a problem or illness.

And for any behavioral questions you may have be sure to contact your local Metro NYC, Manhattan, Long Island (LI), Westchester, Brooklyn or Bronx Off Leash K9 Training professional. He or she has the expertise to address and resolve everything from canine obedience issues to dog aggression to canine food aggression to potty training issues, and much more!